
The psychology behind changing your image
There are times when you can’t shake that feeling that your self-image is out of date. We can’t speak for everyone, but it seems that many people are pretty keen on cyclical reinvention, and it makes sense. We love to change our appearance from time to time, as it is a way of expressing how we feel throughout the different phases of our lives.
Sometimes you can just look at a suit or dress you used to love, and it has just lost its appeal somehow. You can’t pinpoint when it happened, but you’ve changed. Everyone knows that feeling after a break up when you want to shake off those redundant energies and get a makeover; you want to show the world that there is a new, improved you.
When these things happen, it is time for the self-image makeover. The main issue here is in knowing here to start. We have a few ideas on how you can do this:
Make a list of your beliefs
It helps to honestly assess yourself. Take a few minutes to write down a few of the long-held assumptions about yourself. This isn’t all about appearance, as the outward appearance is simply a reflection of what’s going on inside. Your beliefs could be limiting your experiences in life.
For example, if you’re always wearing understated clothes, it’s probably because you fear judgment from others. You might look at a pillar-box-red cardigan and think, “Wow, that’s beautiful.” Yet you don’t consider buying it because the assumption is that it won’t suit you, or it’s ‘too loud’, etc.
Consider your core beliefs about yourself and then examine them to see how true they really are, and where you got those ideas from. If you want to be able to wear that cardigan, that should tell you that it’s time to change your subconscious assumptions about yourself. When you can do that, your outer-image will naturally start to reflect those changes.
Here’s a good tip: think about what you’d say to someone who asked you to describe yourself. What are your personality traits? What are your perceived weaknesses? What are your strengths and talents? How would your best friend describe you?
You can even go as far as examining your limiting beliefs about life and its purpose. Note down five or six ideas about this, and then examine it carefully. Which ones don’t really serve you? It’s likely that you’ll find you can counter these ideas if you’re objective about it. Look for evidence to the contrary. If you can do that for life perspective, you can do that for unhelpful beliefs about yourself too.
Decide on a plan of action
When you have figured out the parts of your self-image that need work, commit to changing them. Don’t try to do it all at once. It might mean going to more social occasions, or speaking your mind more. It might mean changing a few wardrobe items, or getting a funky haircut. It might mean taking up a new hobby without telling yourself you’ll be no good at it.
Ultimately, there is no harm in trying new things. Variety (and exploration) is what keeps life interesting. You will discover new ways in life, and new aspects of your personality. This kind of self-development is usually very rewarding and leads to lasting change. After successful risk taking, your confidence can’t help but grow. You’ll start to notice your self-image changing with time.
It might feel a little strange or uncomfortable at first, but that’s just fear of the unknown. As they say, leap and the net will appear. Why not enlist the support of good friends? Those who love you will be encouraging, as well as honest. Constructive feedback usually helps to keep progress on the right track.
Keep at it
It’s normal to second-guess yourself from time to time. We can become deeply ingrained in habits and thought patterns over the years. Most of us have that little voice inside asking us whether what we’ve put on that day looks silly, whether the new fringe really suits us, or whether we really want to talk to strangers at that party.
It takes time and repetition to undo old habits, so just know that you don’t have to listen to any self-deprecating inner voices. Change doesn’t always happen over night, so perseverance is key. By gradually changing what you do, new habits become the norm. You are changing who you are, and even the new you will evolve further over time.
Here at New Image, we meet many people every day who are taking that leap. Some clients ask us whether they’re really going to suit the hair extensions they want to try out. We just remind them that we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure they look amazing… and they always do!
We are happy to be able to play a part in image transformations for those who really want to change their look. Sometimes that’s what it takes for the inner self-image to follow. It doesn’t always have to be the other way around!
If you feel that it’s time for a bold new look, then come and talk to us about what we can do for you. There are so many options, and we can work with you to achieve the image you’ve been dreaming of. We’ll be waiting to hear from you!