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What Is It About Long Hair?

What Is It About Long Hair?



Long hair has a lengthy history, and it dates back to as far as the ancient Greeks and Romans. Women have always loved to wear their hair long, but it wasn’t only women that wore did so in these times. One look at the depictions of ancient Greek gods and philosophers with their long beards and hair confirms this. The ancient Greeks worshipped several gods with long, from Zeus and Achilles to Apollo and Poseidon.

When we think of warriors, Vikings and the like, the first image that springs to mind is long hair, swords, shields and animal skins, but the hair is always a main feature. Even today we’re seeing a resurgence of men with long, flowing locks, but women have never lost their love of this natural style. Ancient Greek women would sprinkle gold powder into the hair to draw attention to it, and the women of today do similar!

Here’s an interesting fact: the person with the longest hair in the world to date is Xie Qiuping of China; back in 2004 her hair was measured at 5.627 m, and she hasn’t cut it since she was 13.


When trends became a thing, so did haircuts

Although in most cultures it was normal for men to have long hair, women tended to have even longer hair. The Romans were fans of long hair until around 229BC, when they started to cut their hair after the introduction of the Sicilian barber profession. When trends later became a thing, Roman women would part their hair in the centre, whereas Roman men were scorned for giving their hair too much attention. They were accused of being effeminate.

Italian Gothic warriors of the last millennium often had long hair, and they were even given a name based on this trait: ‘capillati’, which means ‘long-haired men.’ However, generally even they were expected to have shorter hair than the women of that time.

In English culture, haircuts became the norm around 1094, around the time that Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury is said to have refused to give ashes or blessings to young men who had grown their hair ‘like girls’. This forced them to seek out a haircut.


Native Americans believe in the power of long hair

Native Americans and Sikhs see hair as having a special significance. Lots of ancient cultures felt that power was stored in their hair, so they never wanted to cut it. Native Americans believe that their long hair ties them to mother earth, and that long grass is the hair of the Earth.

They also see long hair as a physical manifestation that represents spiritual growth. It is said that they never cut their hair because it gives them extrasensory perception (which is useful for hunting and protection), as well as a connection to all things. When they braid their hair, this signifies unity with the infinite, whereas letting the hair hang free implies that they embrace the free flow of life.

Tribe members usually only cut their hair is after a death within the close family. Cutting the hair symbolises sadness and serves as a physical reminder that something important has been lost. When the new hair grows, this represents a new phase of their life, and they can start to move on. There is one other reason they will cut their hair, and it’s to signify a separation from past actions or thoughts. When they cut it, they will place the cut hair in a river, bury it or burn it, as a mark of respect.


Long hair is a subtle form of expression

There is an ancient settlement in China known as the ‘Long Hair Village’, and this have even made the Guinness world book of records under the title of “world’s longest hair village”. The women here are quite a special sight!

All cultures have different perceptions about what long hair means, but most have this in common: hair is in many ways communicative, giving many impressions, such as health, fertility, and religiosity. Here in the West we tend to see it as a sign of health at the very least – this does seem to be the main significance of long hair throughout the world.

Perhaps this is because beautiful long hair is hard to achieve unless you are healthy, eating well, and taking proper exercise and rest. It also means you’re looking after your hair, which is a sign of both personal hygiene and self-care. Ultimately, long hair is a form of expression.


Not everybody is able to grow long, healthy hair  

Natives of some continents, like South America or Asia, seem to have an abundance of naturally thick hair that just keeps on growing. Here in the West, we’re more physically diverse and our hair reflects this. Some of us are just not lucky enough to be blessed with such thick hair; it can be so fine that it won’t grow past our shoulders, or we may have damaged it with excessive product use or heat treatments.

Even when it’s possible for us to grow our hair long, it can take years – and a lot of care - to achieve. It means total dedication and patience, and that’s another thing we aren’t all blessed with! Hair extensions are more popular than ever, which just goes to show that there are more women than ever who wish they had long and beautiful hair.

At New Image Hair Extensions, it is our pleasure to be able to facilitate this. We know how important long and beautiful hair is to you, and we’ve made it our business to give you that option. Our team are highly-trained professionals who go the extra mile to make sure you leave our salon with the best hairstyle you’ve ever had. Check out our work and see for yourself
