Hair Extensions in Manchester Since 1991
New Image Hair Extensions


Hair Extensions After 40?

Hair Extensions After 40?



Up until around a decade ago, there seemed to be a premise that once you hit 40, cutting your long hair off was the done thing. It was relatively rare to see women in their 40s and 50s a with long, flowing manes of hair. Perhaps the action of cropping it all short was originally supposed to represent fading fertility; whatever is the case, times are changing, people are becoming more open-minded about aging and beauty, and women lay claim to much more freedom of expression.

The thing is that as we age, our hair does give away our age. This might be in the form of proliferating greys, or in the loss of hair mass due to hormones. It’s hard to do much to prevent these facts of life, but the situation can usually be remedied.

Hair extensions are more popular than ever – with all age groups

Hair dying is so normal it’s almost not worth a mention, but hair extensions aren’t quite as common yet. They are more popular than ever though, and here at New Image, we have many regular clients over 40. That is saying something! Having been applying hair extensions for over 18 years, we can confidently say that the over-40s are a growing market; in the last five years the number of clients over 40 coming to us is unprecedented.

These clients are still aiming to be glamorous in middle age, and why shouldn’t they? As the UK hair extension industry alone is estimated to be worth between £45 million and £60 million, it’s clear that women of all ages are embracing this method of enhancing their looks.

Hair extensions are anti-aging

Given that long, thick hair is still perceived a sign of youth and fertility, it makes sense that hair extensions will have an ant-aging effect. Given also that in their later years women’s hair isn’t what it used to be, the 40s and 50s are the perfect time to replenish looks with hair extensions.

We are genetically designed to deteriorate with age, and this also applies to our hair. Your cells are less able to reproduce as you age, plus changes in hormones mean diminished estrogen, which slows hair growth down in a big way. Once the menopause is done, genetic hair thinning shows up. Sadly, hair weakening and thinning with age is almost guaranteed.

This is the time when nutrition must also be optimized too – our hair doesn’t respond well when the body lacks protein, iron, vitamin D3 and B12, for example.

When you see a woman walking confidently down the street with cascades of healthy looking hair, it’s easy to assume she’ll be in her 20s or 30s. Yet these days, she could even be a grandmother. Long, beautiful hair can shave years off your appearance, whichever direction you’re facing!

Older women usually prefer a natural look

Women of all ages deserve to feel confident and beautiful. Entire markets are built on this need, so it’s hardly a new thing; the truth is that aside from cosmetic surgery, nothing reduces the signs of aging as quickly or effectively as hair extensions can.

Younger women tend to go for more voluminous, overtly glamorous styles. Older women often prefer understated looks, as the goal is often to enhance, lengthen and thicken lackluster hair. Aging doesn’t mean we have to let ourselves go; on the contrary. It’s more than possible to look great at any age, even if we have to roll with a few punches!

Even the finest hair can be thickened in a big way with hair extensions. At New Image we can fill in the gaps to lend more weight to your hair. Whether you’re in your 40s, 50s or beyond, we can bring back the kind of hair you loved in your younger days.

The stars are setting the stage

Whatever your age, you are certainly not alone in your use of hair extensions. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, celebrity hairstylist Priscilla Valles estimated that 97% of female celebrities used hair extensions. It makes sense, when you consider that they can go from bobs to swaying Rapunzel style manes overnight.

Jane Fonda, who is now around 80, attended last year’s Cannes Film Festival with a gleaming blonde high ponytail; it absolutely had to be hair extensions, as the length almost reached her waist! Ultimately it’s the same for celebrities as it is for the rest of us – we all want to look our best and to some extent, our self-esteem does depend on how we look. When we look great, we feel great.

New Image are happy to be in the business of helping women to look and feel their best, whatever their age and whatever the state of their natural hair. We love to work our magic and see happy faces leaving the salon. Get in touch for a free consultation and we’ll let you know what we can do for you.
