
How to Wear Your Extensions with Style This Summer
Hair extensions have had for whatever reason some bad press over the years. Thankfully this has all changed, with the introduction of better application and highly trained technicians that train specifically in extensions to give you the hair you've always dreamt of. In the past hair extensions would either be seen on the rich and famous or a poorly fitted clip in weft. I've even seen clip in's half on half off, not a good look.
Nowadays, hair extensions if done correctly are almost undetectable. They should blend seamlessly with your own hair creating a style that falls, flows and moves just as your natural hair would. With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to experiment. Just as when you have a natural looking tan, making you look and feel slimmer. Hair extensions seem to work this magic too. Hair extensions are the perfect getaway accessory that changes your style in an instant.
How to make sure the secret stays with you.
Now, to avoid the fake look firstly choose your hair with care. Synthetic hair is of course cheaper, but as the saying goes "you get what you pay for". Secondly synthetic hair can't be heat styled as real hair can. The length you choose to go can really impact on the final result too. If you opt for a ridiculous length that would challenge Rapunzel then be prepared for people to ask "is that hair really hers?" We always recommend that you go only two to three lengths longer than your own, if your looking for length and for those who just want to thicken a finer style the all important cut is the crucial ingredient. Glue now is a thing of past with people opting nowadays for the ease of the micro ring. Not only do these little gems make it easy to remove the extension but they make top ups and maintenance a joy. They have the advantage over the weft as these tiny little rings can be pushed back up the hair shaft every 3/4 months, whereas the bulky weft must be tightened every 3-6 weeks.
Finally, the all important colour match. Get this wrong and it matters not if you've followed all the other given advice. We use as many colours as is necessary to get a perfect match. The hair is hand blended in front of you and guaranteed for three months so no-one will know your wearing them. Many wefts only come in one colour that will totally give the game away.
Straight vs Curly "The holiday hair debate"
We all know that straight hair can work perfectly whilst sporting a cocktail dress walking in the cool U.K air. If you're anything like me on holiday keeping that poker straight style can be nothing less than frustrating. Opt for beach waves or tousled locks to improve the look of holiday hair, luckily having hair extensions in makes this so easy to achieve. Using a U.V filter and proper styling products before you dry your hair will improve its condition and protect from any further heat damage. Tie your hair up and back whilst swimming to avoid tangles and knots. This goes without saying even without extensions in. Pool water can be drying on any hair so if you must get it wet remember to rinse it after. We all want that beach kissed look with our hair skimming our bikini bottoms, this is thankfully now possible with ease.