
7 Reasons Long Hair Wins
Long hair hasn’t gone anywhere for as far back as we remember, and we will hazard a guess that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon either. Women love to have long, luscious locks, for so many reasons. Having a gorgeous, flowing mane does wonders for self-perception, making you feel womanly and sexy. It also creates so much more opportunity for transformations in personal style… yet those are just a couple of reasons.
Let’s take a look at some of the other reasons long hair has continued to appeal to us over the centuries. These are undoubtedly the reasons why so many women visit us for their hair extensions here in Manchester. We are happy to oblige, as we would love you to feel as beautiful as you possibly can.
1.Hair flicking never gets old
Who doesn’t love a good hair flick? Any woman who has cut off her long hair knows all too well that the first thing she misses is being able to casually flip her hair over her shoulder and back. We do this for various reasons, including expressing attitude and flirting. There is something seductive about hair flicking and it seems to say, “I’ve got presence”. It can’t be denied that a well-executed hair flick garners plenty of attention!
2. Lovers love your long locks too
Loving your long hair isn’t solely your job. If your hair flicking successful attracted a partner, the chances are they’re now running their fingers though it regularly… and that feels great for both parties! Even if you haven’t got a partner, keep at the seductive hair flicking and it surely won’t be long before you have.
3.Long hair serves as a winter warmer
Sure, you can use a scarf for that job, but it’s always good to have that extra bit of warmth at the ready. Sometimes you have to pop out quickly and are unprepared for the cold. Long hair to the rescue! Anyone who has spent a winter in Northern England can tell you how cold it gets! Many of our hair extensions clients in chilly Manchester mention how grateful they are for that extra bit of warmth!
4.Long hair means versatile styles
One of the major complaints shorthaired women mention is the lack of ability to reinvent their style. We love long hair for this one. Sometimes you look in the mirror and just fancy a change that day. Long hair facilitates that… one day it might be a ponytail, the next a messy bun, and the next a beautiful French plait. Long hair makes it possible to feel like a new woman every day… what’s not to love about that?
5.Wind in your hair feels amazing
There’s something so satisfying about feeling the breeze whipping through your hair. It’s another of life’s details that naturally enhances feminine beauty - and that probably feels like the only time the wind is on your side! It’s got to be good for something, right?
If you haven’t snapped a potentially iconic pic on the top of a mountain of cliff with scenic views and your hair flowing in the wind, add that to your to-do list. What would Instagram even be without shots like that?
6.You can play with it to alleviate boredom
Never underestimate the subtle pleasure of playing with your own hair. It’s so calming! You might do it absent-mindedly while daydreaming, or you might do it while problem solving, as it’s similar to doodling idly on a pad. It might be another method of flirting, like hair flicking! Either way, it’s good to have options, and you obviously can’t casually wrap short hair around your fingers – that’s just looks plain awkward.
7.It doubles up as a mask
There are times when you just want the ground to open up – it happens to us all now and then! Although the ground is unlikely to oblige, you’ve got your long hair to fall back on. Just allow it to fall in front of your face and you can hide any number of expressions from smirking to beetroot-faced embarrassment. When you spot someone you’ve been trying to avoid, hiding behind your hair could get you out of a tricky conversation.
Simply put, long hair has so many benefits that it’s hard to imagine why people ever cut it! So often they regret doing so too, which is something can vouch for as hair extensionists! If you’re ready to enhance your hair and reap some of the rewards above, come and have a chat with us about what how we can transform your hair.